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Managing Small Expenses - When to Consider a Short-Term Loan

When money is already tight from paycheck to paycheck, trying to cover a surprise cost of several hundred or even over a thousand pounds can feel downright impossible. Yo...

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Unexpected Car Trouble? Apply for A Short Term Loan

Car issues always seem to pop up at the most inconvenient times, don't they? Especially when your bank account is already looking a little lean after paying all the m...

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1263L Tax Code - What Does It Mean?

Dealing with tax codes can feel like trying to decipher a secret language sometimes, right? All those numbers and letters seem to make no sense whatsoever. But don't ...

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What is a County Court Judgment - A Beginner's Guide to CCJ

When you owe someone money and they take you to court over it, the court may issue something called a County Court Judgment (CCJ) against you. This is basically the court...

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