Warning: Late repayment can cause you serious money problems. For help, go to moneyhelper.org.uk. We are a credit broker and not a direct lender.


Understanding the Difference Between Payday Loans & Installment Loans Online

Both payday and instalment loans come with their set of advantages and challenges. For instance, while a payday loan might offer quick access to cash in an emergency, its...

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How can You Minimise the Risks Associated With Taking Out a Short-Term Loan?

To reiterate a theme that we have previously written about here at CashCompare, a short-term loan is not, in and of itself, entirely a risky proposition, nor something th...

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For What Reasons Might You be Turned Down for a Short-Term Loan?

It’s one of the things most dreaded by those of us who might consider applying for cash loans from time to time; the possibility that we might not be accepted for a...

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Is There Anything That You Shouldn’t Use a Short-Term Loan to Pay For?

On paper, at least, you could use a short-term loan to pay for almost anything (provided that it’s legal, of course). But theoretically being able to use borrowed m...

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